I'm not sure if you follow comedian John Crist on instagram. Mostly funny and often crossing a line that makes many uncomfortable. Some things I personally find funny and the things that make me squirm I just pass on by. I know I tend to feel things more intensely and know my limits. Most of the time. But a recent post I just can't stop thinking about. The church sign. You may or may not know what I'm talking about. The sign says " I'm proud to be a drug baby - my mom drug me to church " From my understanding, it's a line from a Lecrae song, although in my short 2 minute googling efforts I could not find said song. But what got me was all the comments of "my pastor said this" or "my pastor says this" Your pastor? You? Your mama? I'm confused . Do they not understand that there are truly drug babies. Babies fighting for their life? Mamas and Dads overdosing. Foster parents holding babies writhing around detoxing. Please he...
"we tend to stay away from mourning and dancing. too afraid to cry, too shy to dance. we become narrow-minded complainers, avoiding pain and also true human joy. while we live in a world subject to the evil one, we belong to God. let us mourn, and let us dance." -henri nouwen