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Influence Link Up

Hello if you don't know me I'm Katie I {obviously} blog here and you can find my instagram & twitter --->

Two things in my bag:

1. My cute little notebooks I found at Target and a variety of pens. I love pens. No seriously, you should see my pen + sharpie box. 

2. My phone. I am a HUGE picture taker. I love taking pictures and using all the fun picture apps and posting pictures. If you love taking pictures come find me, we can have some instagram fun!!! 

Two things I'm looking forward to:

1. Hugs & coffee with friends. Friends I've never technically met. Friends that I will never forget, that will be hard to leave, that just get me.

2. Learning. Learning more about who I am. About the amazing way God created me as a woman. Learning from all these wise women that live with realness and grace. Being filled with His word.

See you in 2-ish weeks!!!


  1. Yay for cute notebooks! I'm convinced they help me take better notes. :) Hope we can meet in person!

    1. Yes!! I need to figure a system to meet all the people!

  2. I bought a new notebook specifically for the conference! :)

    The Random Writings of Rachel

  3. See you there! I'm excited to finally meet you.

  4. Excited to meet you!!! Stop it with your cute pictures.


    1. I'm so glad you're going, I don't think I knew you were.

  5. I love all your faces in those photos, Katie. I'm super excited to meet you! (Football rivalry aside. Be forewarned I will be wearing maize and blue at least once during the conference!) Can't wait for coffee and pictures with you!

    1. Yes coffee + pictures please!! And I'll still love ya even though you wear those colors :)

  6. If I catch you taking a selfie, permission to photobomb? ;)

  7. OH MY WORD I am so excited to meet you + be in some of your amazing instagram pictures {cause you have talent friend!} You are dear to me!!!

  8. See you there! It's gonna be awesome!

  9. notebooks. you. pictures. you. laughing. you. YOU YOU.

  10. Oh yes, I love note taking and sharpie pens are my favorite. Looking forward to meeting you, Katie!

  11. hey, Ohio neighbor! Looking forward to connecting...hopefully in person. (I have no idea how many ladies will be at this conference!)

    1. I know, my husband keeps asking me how many people will be there, and I just don't know. Yes I plan to meet you there!!

  12. let's do this!!!! 2 weeks + 1 day to Indy!!!

  13. Looking forward to connecting at the conference! Come say hi to me (because in all likelihood I'm gonna get shy, even though I'm trying to prepare not to be!)

    1. Oh girl I'm so trying to pump myself up to not be shy but I'm usually extremely shy upon first meeting

  14. Haha! I love th photos you included! So cute! :) I'm soooo with you on the phone and taking pictures! Looking forward to meeting you girl!

  15. Hi Katie! Looking forward to meeting you...great silly smiles- we will get along! Amy

  16. Hope to meet you...NEXT WEEK (can't believe I'm typing that!) Love the notebooks and I share your love for pens. Sharpie pens are my favorite :) I just have to really commit to not losing them, haha.

  17. i hope to see all of those super cute faces, and more, in 8 days.


    let the fun begin xoxo


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